100 Pushups

The importance of core strength and upper body strength in running is understated in my opinion.  If you want to work on your core and upper body then this challenge might be for you.

Its a 7 week program to be able to do 100 pushups. I know if you follow this program you will excel and become a better runner.

This is a completely voluntary challenge but the rewards will be "awesome" because upper body strength is important. It helps you keep proper form while running and helps you maintain your pace in long distance running.  You don't need a gym or exercise equipment for this program. Its a Body Weight Exercise (BWE) and that's something you can do any time.

Essentially you'll be doing this program 3 days a week about 10 minutes each day.  Pick a schedule like M-W-F or Su-Tu-Th or Sa-M-W and make it happen.  Its only for 10 minutes each time!

Start by testing yourself to see how many good form push-ups you can do.  That sets the base from which you are working.

Next start your program.  Week 1:
If you did up to 5 push ups in your initial test your 5 sets for Day 1 Week 1 would be:
2 push ups, 60 sec rest, 3 push ups, 60 sec rest, 2 push ups, 60 sec rest, 2 push ups 60 sec rest and finish with 3 or more push ups until you can't do more.

If you did 6 to 10 push ups in your intial test your 5 sets for Day 1 Week 1 would be:
6 push ups, 60 sec rest, 6 push ups, 60 sec rest, 4 push ups, 60 sec rest, 4 push ups 60 sec rest and finish with 5 or more push ups until you can't do more.

If you did 11 to 20 push ups in your intial test your 5 sets for Day 1 Week 1 would be:
10 push ups, 60 sec rest, 12 push ups, 60 sec rest, 7 push ups, 60 sec rest, 7 push ups 60 sec rest and finish with 9 or more push ups until you can't do more.

Three key points - 1. Perfect form is more important than repetitions.  Practice good form.  2. The 5th set is more important than all the rest.  Always do the 5th set to burn out.  3. Take more rest between sets if needed.

Here's a link to a foldable schedule for this program. All you need to know to get started is at this website.

Whether you make it to 100 consecutive push-ups or not, you will at the least have strenghten your core and upper body and will run with more confidence and pride than ever before.